Dove's latest advertisement (What young girls are influenced by)

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Miss Bimbo

"Become the hottest, coolest most intelligent and talented bimbo the world has ever known!

Miss Bimbo is a game where you look after a Bimbo character as she goes through life.

To progress in the game you have to get her a hot boyfriend, a cool place to live, and find her a great job.

You can also style your Bimbo and show her off to other players.

You can compete with other Bimbos to see who's the best dressed and most popular.

Miss Bimbo is free to play, so try it now!"

Above is an extract from a website called "Miss Bimbo" which is a social networking site and is also a fashion game. It originated in France as "Ma Bimbo" this is an English version of the French game owned by Blouzar Ltd London. It is aimed at the female audience. The aim of this game is to look after a character (which is chosen by the player) and develop the character through life. In order to be successful in this game the player needs to find a boyfriend, a good place to live and a decent job. Tasks also include competing in fashion shows, training for an abundant number careers, obtaining different boyfriends, gaining IQ points and changing the bimbo's appearance numerous times with hairstyles, costumes and plastic surgery.

This online game allows the target audience to change their characters appearance through hairstyles & costumes, however the use of plastic surgery is what caused the controversy. Critics saw this as promoting the use of crash dieting and cosmetic surgery. Critics believe that it allows young girls to think that having the "ideal body" will lead them to success.

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