Dove's latest advertisement (What young girls are influenced by)

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Kate Moss FOR Anorexia!!

"Nothing tastes as good as Skinny feels"

The 35 year old world wide British supermodel has been accused of promoting anorexia. Kate Moss was criticized for glamorizing the idea of being skinny and refers to it as being better than eating.

This crisis was discovered over an online interview on a fashion website WWD (women wear daily). Moss was asked what her motto was and she replied:
"There are loads, there's 'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels'. That's one of them. You try and remember but it never works".

Critics, parents and even some younger girls have been appalled by this and feel that it is an encouragement for Pro- anorexia website. As she is already a institution in the fashion industry she also has other accomplishments such as; Perfume maker, Designer, Singer and Mother.

Apart from dating indie/rock musician Pete Doherty, she was also known for losing major modeling contracts with several international companies due to a cocaine scandal which she didn't admit to until September 2005. She then apologized for her actions.

Young teenage girls are already influenced on how women are represented in the media. Moss's agents are claiming that it was a misunderstanding; according to Storm modeling agency "her comments have been taken out of context" however will the public see that? or will they see this as an encouragement to the pro anorexia movement? will the younger generation of females be influenced by this comment.

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